Sunday, March 11, 2018

Learning Challenge: Sleep More Important than Studying?!

Like most college students, sleep is not the first thing on my mind when I'm cramming for a test. I'm always wishing I could sleep more, but it always seems impossible to get enough. I've heard some of the things in this article before, like less sleep can man lower grades, but I didn't really understand the biological effects sleep had. For instance, the brain resets itself during sleep. It clears synaptic connections, allowing for more to be learned the next day. I'll try to get more sleep this week. Let's hope it works!
Image result for tired meme
Literally me almost every day. Image: Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jency,
    First, I love the photo you chose. That puppy is so cute and definitely represents how I feel many days dragging myself to class. It seems like our society is so busy rushing from one thing to the other that it is so difficult for us to just rest and take a break. Sleep is so important for our overall health, and I have come to realize that I definitely try to time-manage my time so that I am able to complete everything so I can get an adequate amount of sleep.
