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True family. Image: Un-Textbook |
Monday, April 30, 2018
Reading Notes: The Brothers Grimm, Part B
I started with the story of the Six Swans. I somewhat like that even though she was beautiful, the king wasn't happy. I'd like to believe he was more than just a shallow man who wanted a trophy wife. I also liked that he protected his children, showing me that he's actually a decent human being who was just put in a tough spot. The other king? Yeah, didn't like him as much. Who marries a girl who is clearly struggling and NOT SPEAKING.. Ah well, at least the girl is faithful to her family. I cannot imagine 6 years of not speaking or laughing. What a terrible fate, but I guess family is worth it. I'm glad she stuck it out until the end.
Reading Notes: Crane (Brothers Grimm), Part A
The "Robber Bridegroom" caught my attention, so I knew I had to read about The Brothers Grimm.
In the story of the Fisherman and his Wife, the wife was really starting to annoy me with how unsatisfied she was with everything. I would have left such a terrible person, or at least, not have married her.. I liked that the bride had a gut feeling that the man wasn't a good one. Female instincts are not be mocked! I would have run from that house the moment I heard that voice seemingly come from nowhere. Yikes, what a dark house. I tried my best not to visualize what happened with the other young girl..At least she got justice in the end. Good riddance.
In the story of the Fisherman and his Wife, the wife was really starting to annoy me with how unsatisfied she was with everything. I would have left such a terrible person, or at least, not have married her.. I liked that the bride had a gut feeling that the man wasn't a good one. Female instincts are not be mocked! I would have run from that house the moment I heard that voice seemingly come from nowhere. Yikes, what a dark house. I tried my best not to visualize what happened with the other young girl..At least she got justice in the end. Good riddance.
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Serves her right. Image: Un-Textbook |
Reading Notes: Italian Popular Tales, Part B
For the extra credit reading this week, I wanted to finish up the Italian Stories from last week! I'm glad Master Francis had "incomparable courage" because if it were me, I would most definitely have run at the idea of a strange voice coming from a strange hole in the ground.. Wow, I never would have guessed the man was Pilate. What an interesting reveal, but so sad for the poor carter. Pilate was "neither saved nor damned". What a fate. So, the second story had me cringing from the start. Incest- no bueno. I was laughing at the poor sexton who could not catch a break, even though he wasn't exactly being careful, just putting everything on benches. I honestly did not expect the story to actually end happily, but hey, good for him. He got the dog hair.
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How could such a little cutie make a man run in circles to heal him? Image: Wikipedia |
Famous Last Words: The Last Stretch
I cannot believe it is already time for finals. This semester has flown by with no signs of stopping until finals have stomped all over me. Unfortunately, I have not always been the most diligent with this class. Because it's online, I think it's harder for me to keep track of things and remember to actually set aside time for it. By the time I remember or get free time, it will be too late for me finish things, most specifically, the project.
As far as the reading goes, I liked this week's a lot. As a huge fan of Disney and fairy tales, I liked hearing about Puss in Boots' origin. Honestly, I had never heard of him until I watched Shrek, so I didn't even realize he actually had a story of his own. As a supporting character, he was hilarious. His cockiness, the boots, and his accent were some of the most entertaining things about him. I liked that the original Puss in Boots also had a witty side to him. It seemed unusual for a cat, of course, but I think it was an entertaining story that could add another dimension to our beloved animated friend if we use our imagination a little bit.
My other classes are a little hectic right now. My finals actually begin this week, so I'm definitely worried. I have a presentation in my genetics lab tomorrow along with a lab report. Then, I have a lab final on Wednesday as well as a chapter test and final on Thursday. I'm not the best at planning my time, as I've sadly said before, so that's all starting to catch up with me. I'm trying to be proactive and balance all my classes, but it's tough, especially when we don't really have a Dead Week.. All my professors are still teaching brand new material, so it's going to be hard to crank them all out. Hopefully, it goes well!
As far as the reading goes, I liked this week's a lot. As a huge fan of Disney and fairy tales, I liked hearing about Puss in Boots' origin. Honestly, I had never heard of him until I watched Shrek, so I didn't even realize he actually had a story of his own. As a supporting character, he was hilarious. His cockiness, the boots, and his accent were some of the most entertaining things about him. I liked that the original Puss in Boots also had a witty side to him. It seemed unusual for a cat, of course, but I think it was an entertaining story that could add another dimension to our beloved animated friend if we use our imagination a little bit.
My other classes are a little hectic right now. My finals actually begin this week, so I'm definitely worried. I have a presentation in my genetics lab tomorrow along with a lab report. Then, I have a lab final on Wednesday as well as a chapter test and final on Thursday. I'm not the best at planning my time, as I've sadly said before, so that's all starting to catch up with me. I'm trying to be proactive and balance all my classes, but it's tough, especially when we don't really have a Dead Week.. All my professors are still teaching brand new material, so it's going to be hard to crank them all out. Hopefully, it goes well!
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This will be by the end of this week. Image: Pinterest |
Wikipedia Trail: From Puss in Boots to the Oscars
Since my reading for last week was Puss in Boots, I decided to start with him. I wanted to learn more about the original fairy tale, where he was also known as "The Master Cat" which seems fitting. Perrault was apparently not the first one to use a trickster cat as a hero, as Puss in Boots has been used. From there, I decided to learn more about the movie Shrek. This was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up, and Puss in Boots was a great addition. I cannot believe it actually came out in 2001... It feels like just yesterday that I was watching it for the first time. Apparently, it won the first ever Oscar for Best Animated Feature, which is an awesome acclamation. So, I decided to look at the other movies that have won the same honor. Inside Out, Zootopia, and Coco have won for the past three years. It's cool to see that so many different movies can be successful in different ways.
Learning by HEART: Happiness Jar
So, I know this is already too late, so I probably won't be able to share my results, but I really like this idea. Especially with finals coming up, it's very hard to find things to be happy about. If I was trying to find something for today, I would say I'm happy I have a job that I like. It's not the easiest job in the world, but I learn so much and my physicians are great, so I'm very thankful. Let's hope I can keep this going for the rest of the week!
Growth Mindset: Cats Galore
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As most cats do. Image: Growth Mindset Memes from BlogSpot I liked this because lately, I've been trying to take more time to smell the roses which for me, is definitely a new thing for me. I normally spend so much time trying to finish everything up and take care fo what I have to do, that I forget to take some time for myself. It's definitely good to try new things. ![]() SAME. Image: Pinterest I picked this one simply out of amusement. There have definitely been times when I have been trying to fix a problem. I have gone the most complicated routes before realizing there was a much simpler solution. This picture is hilarious. ![]() Cuteness to the max. Image: Pinterest I picked this out of sheer cuteness. I don't actually like cats in real life, because I'm not great at handling pets, but I do think they're adorable in pictures. Perseverance is key to succeeding. |
Friday, April 27, 2018
Reading Notes: Italian Popular Tales, Part A
For the extra-credit reading this week, I went with Italian Popular Tales. As always, I'm a sucker for all things princess. Sisters can never be a good thing in these stories.. I think it's so tragically ironic that the youngest daughter asked for something so simple and pure compared to the other two, yet that's what led to her father's predicament. It's so different from Beauty and the Beast, but I recognize a few similarities here and there. It does suck that she chose to marry him simply because he had the power to heal her father. I liked the last story; I think I've read another version of it, and I liked that the snake was defeated by his own ideas.
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Always the villain, never the hero.. Image: Pixabay |
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Reading Notes: Puss in Boots, Part B
Finishing off Puss in Boots!
First off, I had no idea that troll head meat was as good as beef.. I had to reread that a few times to make sure I understood it properly. I echoed the wife's sentiments on leaving a huge sack of money on the floor because he was worried about a cow.. So the trolls can also be candles? At least they got their fish from an actual river., even if their eyes are apparently connected to fish. I wonder what the moral is here haha, because this guy is a unique one. Is it terrible that all I want is to be rich, as well? How funny that the same spot grew a plant saying his secret. Thank goodness it's not real life!
First off, I had no idea that troll head meat was as good as beef.. I had to reread that a few times to make sure I understood it properly. I echoed the wife's sentiments on leaving a huge sack of money on the floor because he was worried about a cow.. So the trolls can also be candles? At least they got their fish from an actual river., even if their eyes are apparently connected to fish. I wonder what the moral is here haha, because this guy is a unique one. Is it terrible that all I want is to be rich, as well? How funny that the same spot grew a plant saying his secret. Thank goodness it's not real life!
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No candle? No problem. Image: Blogspot |
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Reading Notes: Puss in Boots, Part A
This week, I decided to read Puss in Boots! He was one of my favorite characters in the movie Shrek, so I was interested to hear about his roots. It's hard to imagine him without his accent and sword. His cleverness with the ogre was entertaining to imagine in my head. How odd for a daughter to say she looks at her dad like she looks at salt in her food.. I mean, I guess it could be a compliment since salt adds flavor to food? I liked the Cinderella parallel here, even though it was the King's son, so doesn't that make them siblings? I was glad to hear how she did end up meaning the salt comment in a good way, though, even if it could have been worded a little better. The story about the dragon was slightly confusing.. Did he say the making his back straight comment because the guy was a hunchback? That didn't really make sense to me.
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How the dragon was tricked... Image: BlogSpot |
Monday, April 23, 2018
Reading Notes: Beowulf, Part B
So for this week, I continued reading Beowulf!
Firstly, the part with the monster just walking around was pretty terrifying. Of course, at the same time, Beowulf is also having a nightmare. I didn't realize their first encounter would be so soon. I'm so surprised that no one else woke up though, even if magic was at work.. I liked that Beowulf didn't kill him, but at least, got the upper hand in that fight, which was a little too gruesome for me. I like his fighting spirit. Of course, Grendel has a mother who sounds just as terrifying as him. I thought Grendel would be the only climax to this part, so I like that they gave him more challenges. How sad that he had to die, but I'm glad he did it victoriously.
Firstly, the part with the monster just walking around was pretty terrifying. Of course, at the same time, Beowulf is also having a nightmare. I didn't realize their first encounter would be so soon. I'm so surprised that no one else woke up though, even if magic was at work.. I liked that Beowulf didn't kill him, but at least, got the upper hand in that fight, which was a little too gruesome for me. I like his fighting spirit. Of course, Grendel has a mother who sounds just as terrifying as him. I thought Grendel would be the only climax to this part, so I like that they gave him more challenges. How sad that he had to die, but I'm glad he did it victoriously.
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See? Super creepy. Image: Stories of Beowulf |
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Reading Notes: Robin Hood, Part B
Part B started with a classic well known "Robin Hood move" in stealing from the rich to give to the poor. It was ironic to me how in the second story, the other beggars call Little John a low-life when they're doing the exact same thing.. At least he got some money for his troubles. Also, how was the old woman mistaken for a young, strong man?? While an entertaining picture, I was skeptical of its success. I like that for all of Robin Hood's good traits, he still has some vanity about him, which is what the Golden Arrow part is built on, even if he was disguised, yet again. I was a little sad to hear about his death. The story does a good job of developing him, and you end up knowing Robin Hood well after reading about all of his adventures.
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The man himself. Image: The Robin Hood Project |
Reading Notes: Ballads of Robin Hood, Part A
For this week, I'm reading about Robin Hood! Like a lot of others, I'm sure, I first heard about Robin Hood when I was maybe 5 years old. I was always torn on him stealing from the rich even though he was giving to the poor, because it was technically still stealing, right? While reading, I couldn't help but hear the words being read aloud in a Scottish accent. The name "Little John" for such a large fellow reminded me a little of Lenny Small in Of Mice and Men. I noticed the author used the word "bold" frequently before Robin Hood's name. He seems much more sly in this version that the fairy tale we're all so used to hearing. I was surprised to see the Robin Hood actually fought the pedlar to the point of "blood in streams did flow." At least he seems to become friends with everyone eventually. It's definitely interesting, even if it's slightly hard to understand completely.
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With all that red, some might say he resembles another jolly man who also has an affinity for red and gifts. Image: Look and Learn History Picture Library |
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Reading Notes: Beowulf, Part A
For this week, I decided to read Beowulf. I remembered some of my high schools read a version of this poem, so it caught my eye. I liked all the descriptive imagery on the first page alone like their eyes burning blue like the sea and their helmets being decorated with black ravens' wings. I found myself feeling sorry for Beowulf early on. He was strong, but he was lonely. The imagery in the Wanderer's song was amazing. The "limitless gray sea" and the "green-white icebergs floating treacherously" added a lot to a song, something that isn't seen to begin with, let alone in a story. I['m excited about the second part, to see if Beowulf successfully defeats the monster or not.
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The great confidence of the king and queen in Beowulf. Image: Google Books: The Story of Beowulf |
Monday, April 9, 2018
Reading Notes: Native American Marriage Tales, Part B
I continued the second half of Native American Marriage Tales.
I liked the mysterious allure of the women on the rock, but I was a little surprised to see no one had any problems with him killing his "brothers-in-law" for food. Then, as I kept reading, I realized that was simply me making judgments too quickly.. It's an interesting concept, living by killing each other. I wonder why no one could touch him for 8 days, and how the deer knew about this rule. I would have liked a little more backstory there. I was also surprised that his former wife married and apparently had no problem with her man going and marrying another woman without her knowledge. I liked that this story laid the foundation for the high regard the Native Americans had for the deer. I liked the story, especially the fact that no one died, like in my last story.. The True Bride was funny. I liked that the stepsister spat out toenails instead of gold. What a contrast! I also hoped that the husband would have known his wife a little better to know that she didn't want her stepmother at the birth of their child. I wish they could have developed her personality a little more so the reader would feel more compassion when she was thrown into the lake. I liked that the four brothers came to her rescue, once again. I was surprised that the stepmother didn't take the babies, but left him under the house where the hole was. I liked the contrast between the "lazy" apple-tree, horse, and spring and the hard-working dog who ran miles and miles to help his foster-children. Also, I'm always happy when the couple ends up together and it's a happily-ever-after for everyone. Overall, I really liked this unit. I'm a sucker for romance, and most stories delivered! I liked the twists and conflicts, and everything usually tied together in the end.
I liked the mysterious allure of the women on the rock, but I was a little surprised to see no one had any problems with him killing his "brothers-in-law" for food. Then, as I kept reading, I realized that was simply me making judgments too quickly.. It's an interesting concept, living by killing each other. I wonder why no one could touch him for 8 days, and how the deer knew about this rule. I would have liked a little more backstory there. I was also surprised that his former wife married and apparently had no problem with her man going and marrying another woman without her knowledge. I liked that this story laid the foundation for the high regard the Native Americans had for the deer. I liked the story, especially the fact that no one died, like in my last story.. The True Bride was funny. I liked that the stepsister spat out toenails instead of gold. What a contrast! I also hoped that the husband would have known his wife a little better to know that she didn't want her stepmother at the birth of their child. I wish they could have developed her personality a little more so the reader would feel more compassion when she was thrown into the lake. I liked that the four brothers came to her rescue, once again. I was surprised that the stepmother didn't take the babies, but left him under the house where the hole was. I liked the contrast between the "lazy" apple-tree, horse, and spring and the hard-working dog who ran miles and miles to help his foster-children. Also, I'm always happy when the couple ends up together and it's a happily-ever-after for everyone. Overall, I really liked this unit. I'm a sucker for romance, and most stories delivered! I liked the twists and conflicts, and everything usually tied together in the end.

The laziest and the hard-worker. Image: Public Domain Pictures
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Reading Notes: Native American Marriage Tales, Part A
For this week's reading, I read Native American Marriage Tales, starting with The Piqued Buffalo-Wife. I thought it was interesting that the boy had to pick his own father as opposed to the father coming forward and claiming him. How did he know who his father was? I did like that the father had to identify his son in the end, even if some cheating was involved. I would like for there to have been a stronger bond between them. I liked The Woman Stolen by Killer Whales, but I felt like it was too short. I would make it longer if I picked this for my story. The Bear-Woman was also interesting. I didn't like the sister turning into a bear, though, since it meant her killing all those people. I also didn't understand why she continued to play with her little sister like nothing had happened.. I did like the ending where the siblings became stars in the sky, making the Big Dipper and the Bear.

Ursa Major and the Bear- the siblings' final resting place. Image: Wikimedia Commons
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